Stereo vision: Red /Green
Cathedral, Milan
Emperor´s Bridge
National Library
Country scene

Click on each of the thumbnail images to view the stereo image. If you have some old Red/Green glasses then try viewing the images with these on. If not, some red and green cellophane will do. Try experimenting with different colours.

Two separate monochrome images of the scene are superimposed, with a sideways displacement. The images are identical, except that they were taken with separate cameras set up next to each other about as far apart as the distance between our eyes.

The glasses help each of our eyes to only see one of the images, (Red film filters out all other colours except red), artificially recreating the stereo scene "seen" by the two original cameras.

The images are courtesy of the Vienna Technical Museum.

Check out the exhibit that was built for the Technical Museum, Vienna at exhibits Lists.