Exhibit overview
Screen layout
Recording a frame
Using the exhibit
In the museum

This exhibit is one of the most popular of those which we have built for the Technical Museum, Vienna.

Visitors can express their creativity by building an animated sequence out of single images which they record themselves. Of course, at the same time they are learning about how animation works.

In front of the user is the "stage". Here the elements of the animation are assembled and moved around. The single images are recorded by means of a video camera located over the stage, which sends video to the computer via a frame-grabbing board. When the snapshot button is pushed, a single image is saved as a frame in the future animation. The last six frames are shown at the bottom of the screen to help with orientation.

When a few frames have been recorded the user can already play back the animation: forwards, backwards or in slow motion. At any time he or she can go back and create more frames. When finished, the program saves the current animation automatically and offers the option, available in the menu list, to view the last eight created animations. Users can also elect to view an instruction sequence or to view a set of examples.

There is an administrator´s level, designed to manage the saved animations. If Spielberg has been in the museum, his work can be easily copied from the current animations into the examples section!